This article, written by Joseph Guydish, Deborah Yip, Thao Le, Noah R. Gubner, Kevin Delucchi, and Paul Roman, describes new methods of tobacco treatment for those with addictions. The following content is from SAMHSA/OPPI:

Citing the high prevalence of smoking and studies showing no observable decrease in smoking prevalence among persons enrolled in addiction treatment, from 1987 to 2015, this study highlights the need for innovative approaches to smoking in this population. The study concludes that addiction treatment programs, and agencies responsible for licensing, regulating and funding these programs, should implement tobacco-free grounds policies.

Key Findings:

  • Compared to programs with no such policy, those having tobacco free grounds recorded lower rates of staff and clients smoking together and lower cigarettes per day (CPD) across all treatment types.
  • In the two residential treatment programs where tobacco-free grounds policies were implemented between 2015 and 2016, analysis of smoking-related outcomes showed significantly decreased smoking behavior and increased receipt of tobacco-related services post policy.
  • These findings suggest the potential for tobacco-free grounds policies to impact smoking-related outcomes in addiction treatment programs.


Findings reported from a large sample of clients drawn from a national sample of addiction treatment programs indicate first, little change over time in smoking prevalence or other smoking-related measures in this population and second, support the use of tobacco-free grounds policies as a strategy to address smoking in these settings. We recommend that the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment require tobacco-free grounds policies as a condition for block grant and capacity expansion funding to addiction treatment programs, that state agencies concerned with regulation and licensing of addiction treatment programs require adoption of tobacco-free grounds and that, even in the absence of any future mandate, addiction treatment programs implement tobacco-free grounds as a way to reduce health risks for both program staff and clients.

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